High-Quality Armor
Next Day Armor is one of the few authorized internet distributor of Leading Technology Composites (LTC). LTC has been a trusted source of protection equipment for nearly thirty years and holds the highest standard for quality armor in the industry. Worn by military, police, and special missions units across the country – buyers of our armor know they are being protected to the same level of those in the most dangerous career fields.
LTC armor is made of a high quality blend of ceramic/aramid or ceramic composite. This proprietary blend of materials solves two of the biggest problems with body armor – weight and durability – and creates a lightweight plate that is easy and comfortable to wear, while ensuring you are personally protected at all times.

Top Performance
LTC is the leading body armor manufacturer offering NIJ certified products. The NIJ (National Institute of Justice) is the only nationally recognized standard capable of qualifying armor for law enforcement and the military. Their rigorous ballistic and environmental testing protocols are implemented to ensure that only the highest quality armor receives a stamp of approval. Our hard armor plates are certified and ready to be worn with the confidence of the NIJ’s standard.